Applications Quote



We provide you the perfect package for your business.

  • Desktop Applications
  • Mobile Applications
  • Server Applications
  • Records Management
  • Document Management

Adapt to technological advancements and the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Work smarter not harder – Go green, Go paperless with iFILE – Move from Manual to Digital processing – Custom developed to suit any business – Save time and money – Use any device (Pc, Tablet, Cellphone) – Access anytime, anywhere – Safe and Secure

View the product information brochure.


Packages Quote Form
Note: Kindly make sure you describe each and everything related to your needs so that our experts can evaluate the requirements and will get you the perfect package that you are looking for in an affordable cost.
Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File
Maximum upload size: 516MB

Please Note:

Once you submit the inquiry form it will be sent to the Evaluation Dept and you will be getting an email with the Price & Package details within 24 hours.

Please make sure all the contact details entered are valid to avoid any inconvenience.

For any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us anytime. Thank you.